How To Do Business With Trackside
Delivery / Dropoff of Livestock:
- Trackside has 2 driveways, pull in the Concrete entrance and pull around the building on the right side there is a pull through drop off facility in the back.
- Your appointment is for 8am on the date scheduled. You will NEVER be told to dropoff at any other time. We DO begin accepting animals at 7am for your convenience.
- If your appointment includes USDA inspection, you must arrive by 8am without exception.
- Trackside offers “drive through” unloading of your livestock so you’ll never back a trailer.
- Trackside offers live weights but does not guarantee those weights because our scale is not certified, these are for your informational purposes only. Hogs will NOT be weighed at dropoff but will be weighed prior to slaughter. Live weights are not available for lambs or goats.
- Trackside staff will unload your animal for you, if you choose to assist in the unloading process, you accept the risk of dealing with livestock.
- If you choose to assist in unloading animals, please wait until Trackside staff has instructed you to open the door of your trailer. If you believe your livestock might be “wild or aggressive”, please advise staff prior to opening the trailer door.
- It is your responsibility to check your trailer door after livestock are unloaded and prior to departure.
- Ear tags are beneficial to the identification process but not essential. If your beef does not have ear tags we will place a back tag until the lot number has been assigned to your animal.
- Trackside has holding pens to contain the livestock until they are harvested. Your animal will be moved into the harvest floor at our discretion.
- Trackside cannot have flies entering the building, fly control on the farm is very helpful. Simply spraying the cattle on the trailer prior to leaving the farm during the warm months of the year will serve as an effective method to control flies. Trackside will treat the livestock again upon arrival as necessary to prevent flies.
- Customers are not allowed on the kill floor under any circumstances.
- Horned cattle may not be able to egress our handling facilities and may be turned away at our discretion.

Hang Time:
- Beef: The dry aging process sets our business apart from the large plants who typically harvest, process and package within a 2-3 day period. Dry aging allows the connective tissue in the muscle to breakdown making a great product superior. Our standard hang time is 10-14 days and is based on our processing schedule and the size of your animal. Animals with little fat cover (typically smaller beef) will not “age” well. We have found 10-14 days to be the “sweet spot” of dry aging where carcasses gain the benefit of the process without detrimental loss from deterioration and trimming of waste.
- Hogs: There is no benefit to aging hogs and Trackside will, at our discretion, process them within the same week of slaughter. If you are having product smoked (hams or bacon), please allow an additional week. Your cuts and sausage may be picked up and paid for prior to completion of smoked product but is not required. We can keep your hog cuts and sausage until the smoked product (if applicable) is finished.
- Lambs / Goats: Trackside will process your lambs/goats the same week as your harvest appointment unless we advise you otherwise.
Cutting Instructions / Customer Assignments:
- Trackside deals with a large number of animals, farmers and customers on a weekly basis. We pride ourselves in the organization of making certain your livestock goes back to you or your specified customers. We are happy to reach out to your customers on your behalf to get cutting instructions but in order to do so we ask that on the day of your harvest appointment that you bring all customer names and phone numbers. If you want us to call customer, please indicate which animal is going to each customer and whether they are getting a ¼ , ½ or whole. We must have a complete customer list on the day of your appointment in order to allow them ample time to complete their cut sheets. Please indicate whether you (as the producer) will pick up for your customers or if they will be picking up their own from Trackside.
For example: Beef ear tag #44
½ Joe Smith 502-532-1234 Picked up by Customer
½ Jane Doe 502-532-5678 Picked up by Farmer
- Cut sheets can be submitted from the cutsheet section of our website, by phone or by email,
- Trackside will begin sending automated text messages requesting cut sheets, within 2 days of drop off if we have not received the requested cut sheet within 5 days of the harvest appointment, a $15 fee will be added to the invoice of that customer. If we have not received the cut sheet within 8 days of the harvest appointment, we will be forced to create a standard “butchers choice” high yielding, every steaks, every roast and ground beef cut sheet – no exceptions. We strive to be the best in the business so you have the best experience and receive what you ask for – to that end, we must be very organized to prevent unnecessary mistakes.
Cut sheet changes after submission incur a $20 change fee.
- Beginning March 2023 we will vacuum seal your requested hamburger patties unless you specifically request them to be boxed. Vacuum sealed ¼ lb patties will be packed 4 / pack and vacuum sealed 1/3 lb patties will be packed 3 per pack.
- Our detailed cut sheet conveniently has boxes for checking, if you are unable to complete a cut sheet without writing additional notes, additional fees will apply.
- If your beef is over 30 months old, you will not receive T-bones but rather New York strip steak and Filets. The USDA inspector has the final say on aging the animal. If your beef is aged over 30 months old, you will be charged a “30 month sanitation fee”.
FAQ’s about cutsheets:
- Each beef, hog or lamb you process with us is individually processed and packaged for you or your customer. We are NOT able to move certain cuts from one customer to another customer. If you want to save a cut from one of your customers, it will be labeled for your customer, included on their inventory sheet and you must come up here prior to your customer picking up their order and remove it yourself from their order. This will include but is not limited to organ meat, soup bones and oxtail.
- What is the difference between the round steak and the cube steak? Nothing other than the round steak is ran through the tenderizer once and the cube steak is ran through the tenderizer a second time.
- Can I get all three roast, “Rump”, “Sirloin Tip” and “Eye of Round”? Yes!
- Can I get T-bones AND Filets / New York Strips? Only if you are getting a whole beef, if you are getting a half beef, you must choose one or the other.
- If I choose a rib roast, will I still get ribeye steaks? No
- How many ribeyes will I get? Depends on the thickness you request and the size of the animal but on average 20-28 ¾” ribeyes.
- If I answer “no” to any cut choice, what happens to that meat? It will be ground for ground beef.
- My brisket was too big last time, can you cut it in half? Yes, please indicate in the additional notes that you want to do so.
- Can I get “back ribs” in addition to my short ribs? Backribs are available only when you choose boneless ribeyes.
- How much stew meat will I receive? 10 lbs on a whole. Any additional will be $1 / lb. If you choose every possible cut available on the cut sheet, quality stew meat is more difficult to get.
- How many soup bones will I receive? 6-10 lbs on a whole. Any additional will be $1 / lb.
- Can I get separate grinds? Ie ground chuck – No
- Can I get flat iron and chuck steaks? Yes, if your beef is larger than 1050 lbs live weight and you choose boneless chuck roast.
- Can I get tri-tip roast? Yes, if your beef is larger than 1050 lbs.
- Can I get different thicknesses on my steaks? No, the thickness you choose will be the same on all steaks with the exception of filets which will be a standard 2” thickness.
Picking up your order:
Trackside will notify you the day your order is processed by text message to the number you provided. It is critical to our operation that your order is picked up in a timely fashion so we ask that you pick up within 2 days of receiving the notification. For example, if you are notified on Monday, your order will need to be picked up by the end of the day Wednesday. When arriving at Trackside, please back your vehicle all the way up to the front covered porch.
Trackside will have your order bagged in heavy duty freezer bags and will load it in your vehicle for you. Our freezer bags will stack nicely in your vehicle for transport. We usually don’t recommend bringing cooler unless your traveling over an hour from Trackside to your destination. If you bring coolers, Trackside staff will not transfer the meat into your coolers for you. Trackside has a covered porch at the entrance of the retail and works good for you to load your coolers.